Luca Allulli

Foto Allulli

Graduated “cum laude” in 2003 in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in 2007 he received a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in the area of ​​Algorithm Engineering.


He served in Atac and RSM, the mobility agency of Rome, in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. He designed and developed “Muoversi a Roma”, a platform for bus tracking, arrival forecast, real-time journey planning, etc., taking care of algorithms, backend, website, and app.

For Esri Italia, he worked in the field of Geographic Information Systems. He designed algorithms and software for layout optimization, graph matching, geocoding, data cleaning and migration, etc.

As a consultant, he worked for Treccani (semantic analysis, data cleaning), FAO (GIS and graph databases), Poste Italiane (training).

Since 2021 he is part of the “Digital Services” area of Fondazione Ugo Bordoni.

He teaches “Databases” for the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” since 2011, and since 2018 “Introduction to computer programming” and “Digital Skills Lab” for LUISS.