
5G Monitoring

Experimental monitoring of 5G Pilot within the 3700-3800 MHz radio spectrum.

The monitoring and verification of 5G projects developed within the pre-commercial trials in the radio spectrum 3.6 - 3.8 GHz. Public Notice of 16 March 2017 (Resolution of the Directorate Rec. No. 18436).


The roll-out of 5G in Italy in 5 cities, in pursuit of the dual-goal of offering the opportunity to experiment with pre-commercial services by analysing technological and market opportunities and provide the Country with the chance to road-test the advantages of the adoption of 5G. Monitoring will ensure that the subjects that obtain the frequencies are developing projects in accordance with their commitments and will help the country assess the benefits brought by the new radio paradigm.


This project will enable Italy to identify the best practices that can be implemented immediately in order to improve digitization and deploy the new infrastructure to best effect. Through concrete experience, Italy will be in a position to assist the rest of Europe with communication and dissemination activities and contribute to standardization bodies.

The monitoring activity is therefore a crucial part of the experiment, both for the benefit of companies and the entire country. The national 5G Roadmap will reflect the chief results of the trial.


The project consists of the monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the 5G trials in the pilot cities. The main aim is to ensure consistency with the information given by the individual teams during the experimental project presentation. For each city, a consortium of companies (led by operators) has been designated: Milan (Vodafone), L’Aquila and Prato (Wind-H3G, Open Fiber), Bari and Matera (TIM and Fastweb). The monitoring of 5G projects will be more detailed since the complexity of the proposed projects is greater. The projects cover several areas and will be evaluated in accordance with a range of criteria drawn from areas of transmission and service quality (in compliance with specific KPIs).

As stated in article 13 of the public notice of 16 March 2017 (Resolution of the Directorate Rec. no. 18436), the monitoring will be conducted based on projects grouped by categories. The project most closely related to specific environments (Vertical Projects) will be monitored and evaluated based on rules reflecting the specific project requirements. An additional, but no less important, aspect of the monitoring concerns the assessment of the electromagnetic impact of the new installations proposed.


The activities involve:


  1. The planning and coordination of the monitoring and verification process
  2. Meeting the project’s deadlines (the deployment of networks and services)
  3. The evaluation of the technical quality of implementation of the winning projects
  4. The evaluation of the project with reference to the social and economic benefit from the services implemented
  5. The evaluation of the degree of involvement of Institutions, the public administration and the business world.

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