
Automation radio coexistence checks

The General Directorate for Communications Technology and Information Security - Higher Institute for Communications and Information Technology (DGTCSI-ISCTI) of the MIMIT has assigned the Bordoni Foundation the task of carrying out research activities for the study of innovative methodologies for the management and technical verification of applications for the assignment of frequencies for electronic communication services.

As part of the reorganisation that took place at MIMIT, the General Directorate for Communications Technology and Information Security – Higher Institute for Communications and Information Technology (DGTCSI-ISCTI) took over the task of technical verification relating to applications for authorisations for temporary installations (tenders, diplomatic visits, etc.), experiments, IoT and for radio links for private use.


In this context, the Foundation was commissioned by the aforementioned Directorate to carry out research activities for the study of innovative methodologies for the management and technical verification of applications for the assignment of frequencies for electronic communication services, with particular reference to:

  • handling applications for temporary private use of frequencies in limited geographical areas and for radio links;
  • integration with the IT tools in use by the Directorate responsible for the administrative management of applications;
  • automation of the verification of the technical requirements of the submitted applications;
  • Integration with databases on installations for public communication networks and services.


In particular, the project consists of two closely related activities:

  • Activity 1 – concerns the study of the applications processed by the Ministry and their cataloguing by type in order to identify the characterising elements of the applications processed by the Ministry’s Directorates General. The activity also consists of identifying innovative methodologies for information processing and integration with the tools used by the Ministry for the administrative management of applications, in order to plan and initiate a digital transformation process.
  • Activity 2 – concerns the study of methodologies and algorithms for automating the technical verification activities of applications for the different types identified in Activity 1.