Bordoni Seminars: “Blockchain and services: what is the role in Italy for Public Administration and business?”

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Economic Development

The seminar of Fondazione Ugo Bordoni will be a chance to discuss the strategies of the national economic system to make the best use of the opportunities that technology offers to the sectors of industry, agriculture and services, in particular within the Public Administration.

Created as a technological platform at the basis of new electronic payment systems (cryptocurrencies), the innovation brought about by blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), thanks to the characteristics of transparency, traceability and security, has quickly established itself internationally (and particularly at European level) as an enabling infrastructure for a variety of services, both in the private and public sectors.


The seminar of Fondazione Ugo Bordoni will be a chance to discuss the strategies of the national economic system to make the best use of the opportunities that technology offers to the sectors of industry, agriculture and services, in particular within the Public Administration.

Programme (Italian version)


      Adriana Agrimi

      Dirigente Area Trasformazione Digitale, AgID

      Slide di Adriana Agrimi pdf

      Mario Nobile

      Direttore generale per i sistemi informativi e statistici, MIT

      Roberta Lotti

      Dirigente Direzione dei sistemi informativi e dell’innovazione, MEF


      On. Deborah Bergamini

      Vicepresidente Commissione Trasporti e Tlc

      On. Mirella Liuzzi

      Segretario di presidenza alla Camera

      On. Massimiliano Capitanio

      Commissione Trasporti e Tlc


      Marco Bellezza

      Consigliere Ministro dello sviluppo economico

      Antonio Sassano

      Presidente della Fondazione Ugo Bordoni

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